
Kirby Morgan Maintenance and Repair Technician (03 April 2015)

Click Here to View Course Dates The Professional Diving Academy is pleased to offer Kirby Morgan Maintenance and Repair Technician Courses. This course is designed to instruct personnel in the correct procedures in servicing all Kirby Morgan Bandmasks, Helmets and associated components. These courses will cover the maintenance and inspection of fiberglass and stainless steel […]

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Subsea Mechanical Rigging and Lifting Competence (15 October 2012)

Click Here to View Course Dates The Subsea Mechanical Rigging and Lifting Course, is an enhanced competence based training programme that teaches safe working techniques for use during underwater load handling and lifting operations. Its primarily a safety course and is aimed at Divers and Dive Supervisors to make them more safety aware and efficient, however it also teaches the correct application of a wide range of lifting appliances and […]

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Hydratight Subsea Bolt Tensioning (03 July 2013)

Click Here to View Course Dates The Professional Diving Academy’s strategic partnership with Hydratight ensures that delivery of our Subsea Bolted Joint Integrity Course is to the very highest industry standards. Commercial Divers and Dive Supervisors who undertake this course will graduate with enhanced theoretical and practical understanding of the safe working procedures that must be adhered to when operating high pressure hydraulic bolt tensioning equipment in […]

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Underwater Burning and Welding Fabricator (15 October 2012)

Click Here to View Course Dates This highly intensive course is taught by one of our highly experienced AWS/ISO coded underwater welder instructors and provides excellent theoretical and practical knowledge for anyone wishing to work on diving projects which have underwater burning or welding included as part of the work scope.

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Competent Air Chamber Operator (15 October 2012)

Air chambers have two primary functions which are; treating decompression illness (DCI) and conducting surface decompression. Our Competent Air Chamber Operators Course has been developed to provide theoretical knowledge and practical hands on training in both techniques.

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Professional Diving Academy
Registered Address: Unit 19, Sandbank Business Park, Sandbank, Argyll PA23 8PB
Company Registration Number: SC 264798

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